OUR Motivation
There is a potential for paradigm shift in physics
While the 21st century has witnessed tremendous achievements in the field of physics, there is a growing consensus that we may be on the cusp of a paradigm shift. Some believe that by revisiting outdated and contradictory constructions, we can unlock new potentials in technology, energy sources, transportation, communication, and more.
Transfer of new technologies into life-improving products
Our purpose is to help those potentials to become our reality. We are going to demonstrate real-life examples of some of those future technologies that are already working for very satisfied customers.
Open scientific debate
At the conference, we will bring together experts in the field of electromagnetism, relativity, quantum tunneling, and zero-point energy to discuss and explore topics such as generalized electromagnetism (GEM), and the theory of relativity and beyond. We will delve into topics like GEM in (bi)quaternion formulation, Weber’s electrodynamics, transverse vs longitudinal electromagnetic waves, and Tesla’s radiant and magneto-scalar fields.
Go beyond limits of classical thinking
Join us for this exciting opportunity to push the boundaries of our knowledge and make new discoveries that can change the world.
international board

Jan Rak
Ultra-relativistic Nuclear Physicist

Andre Koch
Torres Assis
Professor of Physics at the State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Brazil

Electrical Engineer, Researcher

Koenraad Johan
van Vlaenderen
Electrical Engineer, Physicist
Practical Application of new technologies:
Can we quickly transfer theories into functional prototypes and new products in the area of heating and energy sourcing?
Some speakers will introduce real (practical) technologies that are already being implemented in consumer products.
Rectifying deficiencies in classical theory:
How do we resolve deficiencies and generalize classical electromagnetism and introduce scalar fields?
Exploring forgotten theories:
Is it possible to revitalize and further develop forgotten theories, such as Weber's electrodynamics, which adhere to fundamental principles like the conservation of energy and momentum?
who is the CONTENT for?
Physicists & Students
A new generation of theoretical physicists who possess an open-minded approach.
Innovators & Inventors
Technology innovators looking for practical implementations of so called new physics.
Researchers & Technologists
R&D professionals seeking efficiencies and savings of electric energy in both industrial and consumer markets.
Environmentalists & Enthusiasts
Anyone interested in changing our view of physics and energy.
An exciting range of opportunities awaits the new generation of physicists who possess an open-minded approach.
We extend a warm invitation to join us in this new world of understanding.

NSE 2024
The ambition of a global conference in new physics is part of the educational agenda of the NSE-INSTITUTE.
Prague, Czech Republic